Sunday, June 30, 2019

Say What?

“You can have anything you want—if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, have anything you desire, accomplish anything you set out to accomplish—if you will hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.”
~ Robert Collier


He's right you know. Surely everyone wants the most joy that can be squeezed from life. Everyone wants to live a fulfilling life of passion and purpose. But yet look how many people are robotically walking thru life seemingly not taking joy in the gift of being alive.

My mother, God bless her, always told me I could do anything I set out to do. She was right. And you can too. Just believe in yourself. Make a plan. Stick to it. Yes, life will take left turns but like a ship in heavy seas you can right yourself and regain your purpose.

Let's talk about those left turns. The biggest left turn in life isn't extrinsic of your self. It's inside your head in your self-talk. It's why people fail.

I can't lose weight.
I will never have the perfect job.
I will always be overweight.
Negative self-talk.
You must replace negative thoughts with positive empowering ones.

For instance, if you are trying to lose weight and are tempted to eat a delectable morsel which will stall your weightloss, don't tell yourself you can't have it. Instead tell yourself you don't eat this way anymore. What's the difference? "Can't" implies you are depriving yourself. "Don't" empowers you.

I can't have fast food. This implies you want it but are depriving yourself.

I don't eat fast food or chips or drink soda. This is an empowering statement of fact.

There's a subtle but powerful difference between can't and don't.

Empower yourself with positive self talk.
Mindset is important in weightloss and in every endeavor you take up.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Choose Your Life

So you're a diabetic. Here's a high five for all the diabetics who have chosen to reverse the path they were on and now follow a whole foods plant- based lifestyle. This post is not about you.

This is for the diabetic who eats mindlessly whatever they want and then pops a pill to assuage their sins and thinks everything is fine. There are plenty of you out there. Be honest. Is this you?

This is for the diabetic who eats mindlessly and holds up their "normal" a1c and says "see it's ok". They believe this because big pharma has taught them that.

That diabetic is playing a dangerous game. It is a game they will ultimately lose.

A "normal" a1c with the aid of medication is not a normal a1c. Big pharma wants you to think it is. That kind of thinking sells more drugs.

You have a choice. You can continue to eat whatever you want, be overweight and depend on a drug. Or you can take charge of your life and work with a dietitian or nutritionist and your doctor and reverse the path you are on.

It's possible, but big pharma will never tell you that. They would rather you treat symptoms than go after the cause.

Please. Please. Choose a better path. Read the articles below:

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Be Like Buddy

I have often thought we should be more like a cat or dog. They ask unashamedly for what they want. A pat pat. A belly rub. Food. But at the same time they have a quiet, dignified independence about them.

My cat Buddy is the epitome of independence. He accepts affection when he feels like it. Yet expects you to give it upon demand. Never takes no for an answer.

How often in life, unlike Buddy, do we give up when faced with a no? Shouldn't we ask for what we want? Strive to be independently who we are? Live life on our terms? Perhaps we should be more like Buddy.