Friday, May 31, 2019

Words Matter

Well my phone died and with it all my notes for possible blog posts. There were some good thoughts in there. I will be taking some time to remember it all.

Meanwhile, let's talk words. They matter. I would suggest we kick the word "diet" out of the vocabulary. Replace diet with nutrition. Nutrition is a much more holistic word. There's a mind change which comes with thinking nutritionally. Mind matters as much as nutrition does in health and in weightloss. If before you eat you ask,"Is this nutritionally good for me?" There will be times you will decide for a better choice.

We eat for one of two reasons.
1. To support our health and wellness.
2. To mindlessly gratify our emotions.

Which is the better choice?

We live in a culture of convenience.  Convenience is killing us. We don't stop to think before we grab something to eat. Our ancestors ate to live. We live to eat.

So think nutrition when eating. It will be the start of many healthful changes in your life. Healthful change breeds more healthful change.  When you feel better you do better. But you have to make the decision to do better. You got this!

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