Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Lost It But Can't Lift It

Wow, hasn't this year been nuts?I hope you are all doing well.

Have a story for you. It's a true story. There's a weightloss group in which they  use bags of sugar, dog food, etc to represent pounds lost in a picture.  One lady took a picture of herself with 50 lbs of sugar to represent the pounds she lost.

She made a comment about it that knocked my socks off. Are you ready?

She said, "I can't lift this 50 lbs of sugar but I was carrying that 50 lbs on my body. No wonder I felt so bad."

Doesn't that comment hit you between the eyes?

How much extra weight are you carrying?
Are you tired all the time?
How's your energy?

Health doesn't come in a pill. It starts at home in the kitchen.

Are you ready to get healthier?

I have a place for you to start.
Read "The Obesity Code" by Jason Fung, M.D.

If you're diabetic read his book, "The Diabetes Code." Read it even if you don't want to lose weight. It will be life-changing. Truly.

You CAN lose the weight.
You CAN feel better and more energetic.

I know you can.

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