Friday, July 31, 2020

A Silver Lining

"It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I belong to a writing group. We are working on a book about gratefulness. So I have found myself charged with writing 200 or so words about gratefulness. The difficulty was I am writing about gratefulness while losing my hearing. Actually, it turned out to be a wonderful challenge for which, yes, I am grateful.

There is a thread which runs thru everything  in life and determines success and happiness. Consider if you will, losing weight is not just about what you eat. Growing your wealth is not just about saving money. Being successful in anything is not about just being good at something. Mindset is a huge part of all these things.

And feeling grateful while losing your hearing is, like most things in life, about mindset. Whatever challenge you have in life appreciate the good things you have instead of obsessing on what is challenging you. The silver lining is there is a lot for which to appreciate and be grateful for no matter the left turns life sometimes takes.

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