Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Better Late Than Never

 Early this year I got really sick with a viral illness. I was talking to a friend and stated, with covid spreading folks needed to better support their immune system by eating nutritionally well. She said, " it sure didn't do you much good". "After all", she said, "you eat well and look how sick you are."I said yes, but how much sicker would I have gotten if I didn't eat well to begin with?

A nutrient-dense diet may or may not keep you from getting sick but it will bolster your immune systems ability to help you get well.

We have been complacent and lazy about supporting our immune systeum. That complacency and laziness will kill us if a worse bug comes along. Even before Covid, the flu bug should have aimed us at self-care. We should be eating nutritionally well and normalizing our weight. Instead we have an epidemic of diabetes, obesity, auto-immune conditions and heart disease.

Diabetes is not a disease. It's a dietary problem. Most diabetics can reverse their situation. Read Dr Jason Fung's book "The Diabetes Code." Then do what he suggests (with your doctors blessing). Dr Fung's patients are reversing their diabetes thru keto and intermittent fasting.

Dr Dean Ornish (and others) have shown how healthful dietary changes can reverse heart disease. Look up his YouTube "Gene's Are Not Your Fate."

Dr. Terry Wahls (and others) have shown how diet can reverse auto-immune disease. Check out the Wahls diet.

How does diet reverse illness? A healthy diet bolsters the immune system. Your body has an ability to fix itself if given the tools it needs.

It's never to late to improve your self-care. It's better late than never.

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