Friday, September 4, 2020

Did You Feel A Kick In The Butt?

 First, if you'd rather listen than read go to my podcast,

We have lots of data from the Covid situation now. The data tells us people with co-morbidities had a greater chance of dying from covid. That would be people with diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and autoimmune disorders.

And this is true of any virus.

Do you fit into any of those categories?

If the answer is yes, covid should have been a wake-up call and not a little one, but a HUGE KICK IN THE BUTT (not yelling, just emphasizing) to improve your nutrition status.

Just getting any three meals a day does not automatically give you a healthy immune system. You have literally been shown you ARE what you eat. The quality of your food matters. A steady diet of junk food snacks, fast food and processed foods all of which are nutrient-poor leaves you malnourished with a weakened immune system.

Covid isn't the last virus. The only thing stupider than wearing a useless cloth mask (and I'm a respiratory therapist retired after 34 years so don't argue with me) is wearing a mask and social distancing without working at reversing your health issues. Sorry, hmmm, not sorry, to be blunt.

Where do you start?

1. Stop eating drive-thru fast food.
2. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and fresh/frozen veggies. If you must eat meat make it grass-fed.
3. Drink water. Cut out soda. Yes, even diet soda.
4. Cut out sugar.
5. Get some fresh air and sunshine daily
6. If you don't know your vitamin D level get it checked and get it up to par. (Note government recommendation is to low. Check out Dr. Mercola's recommendation at )
7. While you are there check out what he says about vitamin C and zinc.
8. If you need to lose weight read "The Obesity Code" or if diabetic, "The Diabetes Code" by Jason Fung MD. You can catch him on YouTube.

If you will commit to planning your next days eating every evening you will automatically upgrade the quality of your nutrition. Excuse my ego... but this is a super tip. Do this. Look in a mirror and tell yourself you are worthy. You are. You must love yourself like you love your best friend. Love yourself healthy!

Make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle! You can do it!

If I have helped you please share this blogpost. Thank You!

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