Saturday, January 3, 2015

Be A Brat

This is Brandi or as I affectionately call her, Brandi Brat. Don't let the cute picture fool you. She is a love-bug but she's also a Brat with a capital B. 

She just turned a year old. What a year it has been! Never a dull moment with the Brat! She's always into something or aggravating one of the other furkids. There was a point I thought she'd think her name was NO NO.

What I love about her is that she's such a brat. Her mischieviousness is positively inspirational!  What a teacher she is!

She has taught me "no" means I'll just have to find another way to do it. There MUST be another way to do it. 

No means set your eyes on a goal and go for it.  Don't be deterred. She is absolutely fearless in her dedication to doing or getting what she wants. Even to the point of flying off the BACK of the recliner and going splat on the hard tile floor. (Almost gave me a heart attack.)

Fear is not in her vocabulary. Though I doubt she'll ever jump off the back of the recliner again.

We should all be as fearless as Brandi.

How many time in life are we confronted with obstacles to our goals and we let fear stop us?

How many of the fears which we have  worried about ever really came to pass?

We waste a lot of time fearing things.. I wonder how much joy we miss out on while we are fearing things which never come to pass.

Let's stop that.

Be fearless. Be a Brat.  (But please don't jump off high places without a parachute.)

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