Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hello World

I've been away from my blog for a long time. My life took a left turn into disability and it's taken me a while to put myself back on track.  I have thought about my blog a lot and have found myself more than once in a bookstore looking at all the health books asking myself "what can I add to all that?" For a long time I couldn't answer that. Maybe i can now.

The last time I stood looking at health books in a store i thought:

Maybe YOU aren't going to read all those books. I read lots of them.

Maybe YOU don't read health magazines. I read a bunch.

Maybe YOU still eat mindlessly. Our culture of convenience promotes mindless eating. Maybe you still think the doctor knows best and don't bother to look farther.

Maybe YOU have become your disease and you can't imagine a healthy future. It's an easy trap to fall in to.

Maybe I can be the voice in the wilderness of healthcare that can lead you to better self-care.

I was in healthcare for 34 yrs and observed the same thing over and over. It is what prompted me to go for a Masters in Holistic Nutrition.

Re-admissions for the same problem.

Over and over. Especially egregious are the readmissions for heart bypass. Not just once but 2 and 3 times.

Why so many readmissions?

People commonly do not change the things in their life which promote their health problems. Diet and exercise. 
Lack of nutrition and a sedentary life. 

 Hospitals are full of patients with lifestyle diseases. Diabetes and heart disease do not have to be a life sentence. Don't believe me? Read Dr Joel Furhman and Dr Dean Ornish. Look up Dr Ornish's Ted talk "genes are not your fate" on Youtube.

You can not go to the doctor and expect to be fixed like when you take your car to a mechanic. YOU have to be proactive in your healthcare.

I have been where you are. I'm still getting better. It's a process. I dont know how much better I can get healthwise but I've made sweeping changes in my life. Changes you probably need to make too. If thru this blog I help even just one person then what I have been through will have been worth it and my time will have been spent well.

And this is why I am back with this blog. I hope you will follow along, join me on my journey and let me know how you are doing.

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